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or book directly with us and save:
Bank payment £GBP
You can book directly with us and save money. It is recommended you have your own holiday cancellation insurance. Find available dates on a booking calendar above, then either contact us directly for a price and to reserve your dates immediately, or go straight to the email form.
In either case, complete the form below with the available dates and we will contact you. We will reserve the dates for three days pending your payment. T&Cs
Booking Form: direct with us
* required fields
Terms & Conditions for direct booking
Payment must be made in full 3 weeks before arrival if the property owner accepted a deposit.
Arrival at cottage must be after 3pm.
Departure from cottage must be by 11am.
The property must be left as clean and tidy as when you arrived.
Guests at the cottage must follow the rules and use the instructions provided at the property.
You must advise the property owner of any breakages, faults or problems, so these can be remedied as soon as possible or for the next guest.
Expectations of our guests and our guests' behaviour are covered by Common Law and are what would be expected of a reasonable person under Scottish law.